Friday, November 4, 2011

Shooting Mechanics: Grip

Today is grip day!  This is heavily related to the release, which I will be talking about tomorrow. That being said, the shooters T is the best way to place your hand on the ball.  The T is made by placing your thumb parrallel with the seams, while putting your index finger perpendicular with the seams.  Other things to pay attention to with grip are the pressure applied from the fingers on the basketball and what part of the hand is being placed on the basketball.  When shooting, the basketball should be held tight, but not too tight to where your knuckles are turning white! A firm grip will do.  Also, you should only place the finger pads on the basketball with the basketball elevated slightly above your palm.  This grip will translate into helping with your release.  Use the picture below as a visual reference to see if you have the correct shooters T grip.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most critical aspects in improving shooting mechanics as well. I have also started my youtube video blog to help new generation seeking to improve their game.

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