Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Post!

Shooting a basketball is difficult.  Everyone knows it takes years to hone the skill.  But what makes a perfect shot?  What are perfect mechanics?  Who are the experts on shooting?  How does one become a great shooter?  I will discuss these questions and much more on my blog.  As a college basketball player I am always looking for an edge on the competition.  Also, I have just been promoted to captain of my team, which has increased my desire for knowledge on the art of shooting.  I want to be able to help my teamate's in their quest for the perfect shot.  However, I won't focus this blog solely on shooting.  I may be the most interested in the skill of shooting, but I still know that this is only one part of how people are successful on the basketball court.  My goal is give you as much information that I can provide about how to become an amazing baller. Here's a video of what happens when I teach people how to shoot....Just Kidding...

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